What is Breathwork?
What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is one of the most powerful tools the human spirit has to heal themselves. Stopping to breathe, going in, getting in touch with the voice within.
Our bodies are amazing vehicles that can outperform any energy when we use our fuel for good. We can heal ourselves beyond what we even know. Breathwork is having the courage to gather your “trash”, as I like to say, and do something with it. We take out our trash in our material homes, we take out our food trash by eliminating.
Are you willing to take out the inner trash of of toxins within so you can be at your healthiest human spirit self on earth? Are you willing to push past all the uncomfortable discomforts that is begging for your attention?
Healing is available for you to expand and to help those around you. Come “unstuck yourself” and heal with me as I give you all the personal coaching along the way! This is a unique experience designed just for you. Each time is different as we unravel the onion peel.
Humans tend to stop when feeling good. You must be willing to push past the zone. Reach higher! Your Spirit has been designed to fly out of all that no longer serves the human self.
Are you willing to take a risk and grab your courage heart and dive in the ocean of elements within to really get to know who your authentic self is?
Breathwork is my passion to help you on your journey. In person, virtual, private groups, weekly classes and for special events. Contact me today and lets get you, your family, your company healing. Booking breathwork is the best gift you could ever give yourself - or receive.
Inhale, exhale, set your intention and lets do this together!