What is Breathwork? Why Breathe?
FAQ on Breath.
What is Breathwork?
Breathwork healing is an active, powerful tool to un-stuck you. Are you ready to unlock the power of breathwork for enhanced well-being? Breathwork is the medicine, energy you have been looking for and is more powerful than any plant medicine out there, and all inside you! Discover deep relaxation, reduced stress, and increased focus through controlled breathing techniques. Improve mental clarity and find inner balance with this transformative practice. Experience the holistic benefits of breathwork today.
How do I do Breathwork?
What is breathwork and why do it? Breathing is one of the most powerful tools the human spirit has to heal itself. Our bodies are amazing vehicles that can outperform any negative energy when we use our fuel for good. We have the ability to heal ourselves beyond our wildest imagination.
If you are new to breathwork, this type of healing is all about moving our breath in different forms. I always start slow and let you know that we’re going to rev up just like revving up a car and then we’re going to get into the journey that will open up your path to personal healing.
What are the types of Breathwork?
What is breathwork? Breathwork is a two-part breath that’s done lying down. The first breath is an inhale through the belly, the second breath is an inhale through the chest, and then you exhale out your mouth. But what are the types?
It’s an active breathing meditation that’s beneficial for everyone but is particularly helpful for people who struggle with meditating. Because it requires your participation and doesn’t require you to sit still, it helps you get out of your head, into your body and allows you to access your spirit self.
Some people struggle with the two-part breath, which is why we start slow and work up to it. I also encourage people to move around if they want, or I’ll have them put their hand somewhere on their body to find that connection if they’re struggling with the breathing pattern.
This breathing technique floods your body with oxygen so people might feel tingly in certain parts of their body, especially in their hands. This is totally normal and you can reduce the intensity by simply slowing down the breath.
I also encourage nose breathing after reading Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor. All forms of conscious and intentional breathing can promote mental and physical healing. I do believe in breathing through the nose and the mouth depending on what modality you are needing it for. I like to take you on a journey through your breath using your nose and mouth so you can get to “know who you are” in your whole body.
Breath healing gives you the courage to gather your mental and emotional trash and eliminate it.
Come “unstuck yourself” and heal with me as I give you all the personal coaching you need along the way! Each breathing session is a unique experience designed just for you and each time is different as we peel your own personal onion. Virtually or in-person options (1-on-1 or group) are available. Sign up and stay consistent, this is the key to unstucking ourselves. It is maintenance to stay healthy and you and your tribe are worth it.
Humans tend to stop doing things that are good for them once they start to feel better. You must be willing to push past that obstacle and reach higher because true healing comes from doing the work every single day.
Teaching breathing is my passion and I was put on this earth to help you on your journey. Contact me today and let's get you, your family, your company breathing better!
Inhale, exhale, set your intention and let's do this together!
"Beth Hardin is awesome! She has excellent skill, insight and compassion. Her range is superior and she uses massage, breathwork and her intuition to facilitate a broader experience of healing. Healing of body, mind and spirit."
— Fitz Conner, Faith Leader